
Sun In Motion

Inexhaustible & Clean Energy Resource

Future without Solar Energy


Sun In Motion

Community WASPPs

Where Energy Indepence is Real


Community WASPPs

WASPPsTM - Wide Autonomous Solar Power Plants

In 1767- Horace de Saussure built the first solar heat collector. In 1876- William Grylls Adams and Richard Day discovered the Photo Voltaic effect.

Why your electricity bill will never fall?

For long time electricity consumers were told that that if they replaced their inefficient electrical appliances with more efficient once, they will save on their power bills. The fact however; is that the cost of electricity always trended upward and in fact the upward trend line is getting steeper.  The reality is that energy companies have their shareholders’ interest at heart, not the consumers’.  It is inconceivable for profit driven enterprises to be content with stagnant let alone lower revenue streams. Shareholders demand higher dividends and increase in their share prices. Consumers will never see their electricity bills reduce; the more they save on consumption, the higher rates they will pay for every unit of energy they consume. 

Consumers cannot count on energy companies to lower their electricity prices.

Community based WASPPs™

Energy independeance is no longer a utopian dream.

Technological platform is mature, social support is strong, inexhaustible solar energy resource is freely available and is not monopolized

In fact, the only economically viable alternative to the endless electricity price hikes is to construt communities based networks of interconnected Autonomous Solar Power Plants (ASPP). Each ASPP is independently operated by its custodians - usually a community or syndicated neighbouring communities. Whilst each SPP is autonomous, it is also interconnected with its neighbouring ASPPs; thus forming a symbiotic network or grid of WASPPs. Such grid provides not only independence from traditional electricity conglomerates, but also provides the necessary scalability required for reliable electricity supply. Moreover; WASPPs allow for optimal management and distribution of generated and stored energy among the WASPPs members.  

Each WASPP community will be able to set its own electricity rates, trade its access electricity capacity throughout the WASPP grid or even on-sell access capacity to other entities; thus generate revenue for the WASPP communities.

SIM WASPPs Conceptural Model
SIM WASPPs will incorporate an array of high capacity battery storage augmented with high efficiency, clean emission Closed-Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) generators. An intelligent monitoring and management system will manage in real time WASPPs' capacity against consumption demand ensuring constant supply of electricity under any environment.  CCGTs will be on standby and switched on automatically only when needed.

SIM Leadership

Igor Palmer

Australia & Asia

Igor is the founder/CEO of Sun In Motion Pty.Ltd. He is also the founder of Innovation River Inc. a Sydney based non-profit 3i organisation. Throughout his career, Igor has held various technical and managerial positions ranging from Software R&D Engineer to BI consulting - managing large scale BI and EI Systems within large financial services conglomerates. He is also a prolific innovator and inventor, with inventions in various areas of Oil and Gas, Chemical, Information Systems and Military.

Igor earned Master's degree from Curtin University of Technology. His research interests are in the sphere of cybernetics and human cognitive dexterity within human/machine integration. He is also fluent in Russian and Hungarian languages. Igor lives in Sydney, and in his spare time he likes working on all sorts of metal fabrication projects.

Dr Tassos Golnas

usa & americas

Tassos is expert in solar technologies. He worked in various R&D, consulting and management positions with High-Tech companies such as SunEdison, Advantest America Inc., NanoGram and NeoPhotonics Corp., and Applied Materials Inc. His responsibilities included managing the due diligence process towards emerging technology vendors, contributing to the definition of the company’s technology roadmap, and coordinating the Continuous Improvement Plan activities based on the analysis of the power-plants’ performance.

Currently Tassos is consulting with the World Bank as well as working a senior strategic analyst with the US Department of Energy. Tassos received his B.Sc. in Physics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, M.Sc. and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University. He is also a member of expert panel at Innovation River Inc.

Dr Amr Al-Awamry

middle east & africa

Amr graduated from Benha Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Electronics Department. He earned PhD in Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University in 2012. Amr worked with Embedded Systems in many research and development centers in Egypt, developing various Telecom products. He has authored and co-authored several scientific and engineering papers on telecommunication and sensors topics.

Currently Amr is a Lecturer at Benha University, Faculty of Engineering, where he is also pursuing research in Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT technologies and how such technologies can be integrated with renewable energy smart grids. Amr also leads an experts panel at Innovation River Inc.

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